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LOOK WHO’S SPEAKING: The following is a list of all our speakers and presenters. We are expecting a some more confirmations and will keep adding to this page.

Allyn Evans

Allyn Evans

Allyn Evans, MBA, is the Chief Executive Officer of the Monroe Institute, a nonprofit research and teaching organization dedicated to improving people’s lives through the advanced study and practice of expanded consciousness.

Angela Thompson Smith, Ph.D.

Angela Thompson Smith


Dr. Angela Thompson Smith, a founding Director and former Board Member of IRVA, has a personal background in experiencing and study of OBEs. She worked in Parapsychology research since the 1980s. Since the early 1990s she has been training others in remote viewing, consulting on application projects, and has written 10 books.

Chris Roe


Chris Roe, Ph.D. is Professor of Psychology at the University of Northampton, UK. He is Research Leader for the Psychology Division and Director of the Centre for the Study of Anomalous Psychological Processes. Chris is an expert in the Ganzfeld body of research and has paired this with remote viewing research. 

Coral Carte

Coral Carte

Coral Carte is a certified CRV Trainer and an accomplished professional operational remote viewer for 20 years. She is an active member of several RV Teams.

Dale E. Graff

Dale E. Graff

Dale E. Graff is a retired aerospace engineer/physicist who worked for the intelligence community at the Air Force FTD and the DIA. Key assignments were Chief of the Advanced Concepts Office and Chief/Director of the Star Gate remote viewing unit at Ft. Meade, MD.

Dave Silverstein (evening MC and Organizer of Game Night and Talent Show and IRVA Research Room)

Dave Silverstein

David Silverstein has had a life-long appreciation of all things psi. He is a highly talented, long-time remote viewer and professional clairvoyant working with individuals and business people on all matters.

Debra L. Katz, Ph.D.

Debra Lynne Katz


Debra Lynne Katz, Ph.D., is the current president of the International Remote Viewing Association and helped established IRVA’s research unit.

F. Holmes "Skip" Atwater

Fred Holmes (Skip) Atwater

Frederick H. Atwater (Skip) is the retired President of The Monroe Institute and was the Operations and Training Officer for the once highly classified US Army Intelligence remote-viewing surveillance program. He planned, conducted, and reported thousands of remote viewing intelligence-collection missions for various US intelligence agencies. Skip and has been part of the growth of the The Monroe Institute since 1977.

Jana Rogge

Jana Rogge

Jana Rogge is a German remote viewer, author, RV researcher and graphic designer. She is the current Editor of the Aperture magazine (IRVA) and the New Thinking Allowed Magazine. Jana runs several projects in the RV field, such as the PSI.vision Institute, and recently co-founded a publishing house focused on publications in the parapsychology and edge science domain.

Jon Knowles

Jon Knowles

Jon Knowles has been active in the remote viewing community as a viewer, analyst, project manager and admin person for over 23 years. Jon has written numerous articles for Eight Martinis magazine, and is the author of two books about remote viewing.

Joshua Lewis

Joshua Louis

Joshua Louis is an afterlife researcher, trained intuitive and author. He is researching advanced spirit-communication using different forms of Instrumental Trans-Communication (ITC). Working with other esteemed researchers and institutes, Joshua has been able to receive detailed and verifiable information through various pieces of equipment proving ITC is viable and effective form of communication.

Judith Pennington

Judith Pennington

Judith Pennington is a writer, teacher, mind researcher, and a world authority on EEG and the Awakened Mind.

Julia Mossbridge, Ph.D.

Julia Ann Mossbridge


Dr. Mossbridge is a scientist studying remote viewing and precognition who is also a teacher, practitioner, team leader. She is after a deep understanding of love, time, and how these two human experiences relate to corresponding physical forces.

Lyn Buchanan

Lyn Buchanan

Lyn Buchanan was one of the U.S. Military’s Controlled Remote Viewers from 1984 through 1992. During that time he worked as a viewer and as a Database Manager, Training Officer, and Property Book Officer. Upon retirement, he worked as a computer systems analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency. He then began his own computer data analysis company called Problems>Solutions>Innovations (P>S>I).

Michael Nolivos

Michael Nolivos

Michael Nolivos has been a professional software developer and digital product developer for over 13 years and is now fully immersed in applications using AI as tools to enhance productivity. He has studied controlled remote viewing and is extremely passionate and involved in applying AI towards remote viewing.

Michelle Freed

Michelle Freed

Michelle is a talented remote viewer and remote viewing instructor. Fully-certified in all forms of Controlled Remote Viewing, She completed the beginning through advanced training programs through Right Hemisphere, Intuitive Specialists, APP, and received additional training from Joe McMoneagle.

Nancy McLaughlin-Walter, Ph.D. ABD

Nancy McLaughlin-Walter

Ph.D., ABD

Co-Director of Research Division with the Monroe Institute Nancy’s research includes the underlying phenomenological processes of DMILS, and the continued study of body mapping the psi-anomalous experiences. I have developed the BMi-4psi which is in the validation process.

Nancy Reinhardt Smith

Nancy Reinhardt Smith

Nancy Smith is the director of Sublime Remote Viewing Group, a group of operational remote viewers who work to find missing persons, solve crimes, solve mysteries, and produce associative remote viewing projects. She is an accredited Monroe Outreach Trainer and former IRVA Board member. 

Patrizio Tressoldi

Patrizio Tressoldi


Patrizio E. Tressoldi, PhD is a Senior Scientist at Studium Patavinum, Università di Padova, Italy and the Head of the Science of Consciousness Research Group. His main research interests are related to scientific evidence about the nature and characteristics of consciousness as a response to the existential question “Who am I really?”

Paul H. Smith, Ph.D.

Paul H. Smith


A retired Major in the United States Army,  Paul was a seven-year veteran of the military remote viewing program, and author of the remote-viewing program’s Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV) Training Manual. The longest serving Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) teacher active today, he is president of RVIS, Inc. in Cedar City, Utah.

PSI Fest


Robert Holbrook

Director of Innovation with the Monroe Institute With over 4 decades of research and development of audio enhanced meditation applications.

Ross Dunseath, Ph.D.

Ross Dunseath


Ross Dunseath, Ph.D., Director of the Research Division with the Monroe Institute Ross has several decades of experience in neuro-physiological research and consciousness studies.

Susan Smily

Susan Smily

Susan Smily, Monroe Institute Archivist, has been a volunteer with the Monroe Institute for 8 years. For 5 years she was the Professional Division Coordinator. For the past 3 ½ years she has been building and curating the MI virtual archives.